Review: Unfair Fight ‘Destruction of Words’ (2013)

Unfair Fight
Destruction of Words
Crucial45 Records (2013)
Sounds like: A seamless, modern representation of the many styles of hardcore.

Score 8.5/10

I really dig it when bands that have been paying dues and working hard for years finally put it all together. I love it more when that band is a local hardcore group like Unfair Fight. After a few releases and a ton of shows played, these crucial dudes have really nailed it with this new six song EP titled Destruction of Words.

For the uninitiated, UF represents modern hardcore with an amalgamation of sounds and styles. I hear elements of punk, HC, and metal melded together in these songs, and seeing the band live, it’s obvious that the different members of the band have their own favorite sub-genres within the increasingly eclectic underground. Case in point: I’ve seen one of the guitarists wearing a Comeback Kid shirt, the bassist with a Converge sticker on her guitar, and the singer rocking a classic Kill Your Idols shirt, yet it all works here.

Along with improved song writing, UF has also captured their sound with a great recording. The guitars are sharp, the bass stands out in the mix, and the drums sound crisp and real. Alternating vocals are also equalized perfect, with the front man doing the majority of the work while one of the guitarists punctuates his deeper, guttural style with high-pitched, screamed accents.

The cover art for this EP also looks great with it’s stark colors and graphics, but like many releases reviewed in this new digital age, I have yet to see a physical copy of Destruction of Words. That means no lyric sheet for me to peruse, and I was not able to find the words to these songs via online research either. I know I’m a stickler for this detail, and while I’m sure the singer, Dan, has something cool to say, I feel the message counts just as much as the music, especially regarding punk and hardcore.

Right now you can hear these new UF songs in their entirety on our very own Punks in Vegas under the “Featured Music” section, and should you feel inclined to buy said EP, it is also available for purchase on the UF Bandcamp page and iTunes. I’m actually headed to their Bandcamp page right now to download yet another new song they just dropped called “Sleeping Through the Revolution”. What are you waiting for?!

It’s awesome to know that LVHC is alive and well in 2013 thanks to bands like Unfair Fight, and I certainly look forward to future efforts from this blue collar band.

About the author  ⁄ Lance Wells

The power of youth trapped inside an aging body. I like most things punk and hardcore. Just like Kev Seconds said, I'm gonna stay young 'til I die.

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