Welcome to the new Punks in Vegas. It's still a work-in-progress, so please bear with me while I get the new site up and running. The old site will still be active under PunksinVegas.tumblr.com, but if you want more up-to-the-minute news I recommend bookmarking the new site. While you're here, why not browse around, register at the new forum, check out the upcoming shows, watch a video, and use the contact form to let me know what you'd like to see on this page; what works for you, what doesn't work for you, etc. This page is for the community, so I want the community's input here to make it the best it can be. Thank you for being patient and staying supportive! I’ve been really overwhelmed by the positive response that this little site has received in only a few short weeks. I really appreciate it and ...

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